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The Birth Of Felix


I was delighted to hear the recent news of the safe and magical arrival of baby Felix from one of my April Group Hypnobirthing couples - it was extra special to learn he was born into the same pool as my son too after loaning Sarah my birth pool! After a tricky, medicalised birth with their first son, Sarah and Paul went on to have the most amazing, healing home water birth and I am thrilled for them.

I was so impressed with their focus, determination and enthusiasm to learn as much as possible from the course, as well as taking time to practice and prepare for their birth, whilst juggling life with a toddler!

I absolutely love teaching first time parents but there's something very special about supporting parents on their subsequent birthing journeys too. You really can have the most healing and positive birth experience, even if your previous births were traumatic or complicated.

Thank you so much for sharing your news and well done, I am so honoured to be a tiny part of your incredible birth story - you guys totally rocked it!

Hypnobirthing isn't just for home births. It's for every birth, however your baby chooses to arrive, including abdominal birth. You'll learn knowledge and skills to equip you to navigate whatever turns your birth path takes to feel positive, supported and empowered throughout pregnancy, birth and beyond.

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